Friday, September 7, 2012


I'm sure many people don't know what the term stunting is referring too. Stunting is my personal favorite part of cheerleading. In a stunt there is a flyer, usually two bases, and at least one spotter. The flyer is the one who goes up in the air. Bases hold the flyer's feet and may throw her up or just hold her at a certain heighth. The spotter helps get the flyer where she needs to be and hold the stunt together.

There are many different kinds of stunts. The most simple stunt we have done is called a prep; in a prep you hold the flyer at chest level. A full is the next highest leveled stunt; rather than holding the flyer at chest level you hold her above your head with your arms completely extended. Libs can be at either prep level or full level; in a lib the flyer has one foot in the bases hands and the other leg raised in a bent form. There are many different stunts where the bases share one foot and the flyers other leg can be in a variety of different positions. Tosses are the one stunt that the flyer literally flys in the air; as the flyer jumps into the bases hands the spotter and bases throw her up and catch her in a cradle (as if in a position of holding a baby).

1 comment:

  1. Very good information on the basic terminology. That should help me a lot!
